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JJ Rondón, VA Pisarenco, JR Pardos-Blas, A Sánchez-Gracia, R. Zardoya, And J. Rozas (2024) Comparative genomic analysis of chemosensory-related gene families in gastropods. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.  192: 107986



H Lorente-Martínez, A Agorreta, I Irisarri, R. Zardoya, SV Edwards, And D. San Mauro (2023) Multiple instances of adaptive evolution in aquaporins of amphibious fishes. Biology 12: 846

S Abalde, F Crocetta, MJ Tenorio, S D'Aniello, G Fassio,  PC Rodríguez-Flores, JE Uribe, CML Afonso, M Oliverio,And R. Zardoya (2023) Hidden species diversity and mito-nuclear discordance within the Mediterranean cone snail, Lautoconus ventricosus. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 186: 107838

KR Johnson, IFP Owens, Global Collection Group (R. Zardoya) (2023) A global approach for natural history museum collections. Science 379: 1192-1194

A Herráez-Pérez, JR Pardos-Blas, CML Afonso, MJ Tenorio, And R. Zardoya (2023) Chromosome-level genome of the venomous snail Kalloconus canariensis: a valuable model for venomics and comparative genomics. GigaScience 12: giad075


JR Pardos-Blas, MJ Tenorio, JCG Galindo, And R. Zardoya (2022) Comparative venomics of the cryptic cone snail species Virroconus ebraeus and Virroconus judaeus. Mar. Drugs 20: 149


M Recuerda, JC Illera, G Blanco, R. Zardoya, And B Milá (2021) Sequential colonization of oceanic archipelagos led to a species-level radiation in the common chaffinch complex (Aves: Fringilla coelebs).  Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.  164: 107291

S Abalde, S Dutertre, And R. Zardoya (2021) A combined transcriptomics and proteomics approach reveals the differences in the predatory and defensive venoms of the Molluscivorous cone snail Cylinder ammiralis. Toxins 13: 642

Y Yang, S Abalde, CLM Afonso, MJ Tenorio, N Puillandre, J Templado, And R. Zardoya (2021) Mitogenomic phylogeny of mud snails of the mostly Atlantic/Mediterranean genus Tritia (Gastropoda: Nassariidae). Zool. Scri. 50: 571-591

JR Pardos-Blas, I Irisarri, S Abalde, CML Afonso, MJ Tenorio, And R. Zardoya (2021) The genome of the venomous snail Lautoconus ventricosus sheds light on the origin of conotoxin diversity. Gigascience 10: giab037


R. Zardoya (2021) Quest for the Best Evolutionary Model. J. Mol. Evol. 89: 146–150


I. Irisarri, J.E. Uribe, D.J. Eernisse, And R. Zardoya (2020) A mitogenomic phylogeny of chitons (Mollusca: Polyplacophora). BMC Evol. Biol. 20: 1-15

M.J. Tenorio, S. Abalde, J.R. Pardos-Blas, And R. Zardoya (2020) Taxonomic revision of West African cone snails (Gastropoda: Conidae) based upon mitogenomic studies: implications for conservation. European J. Taxon. 663

S. Abalde, M.J. Tenorio, C.M.L. Afonso, And R. Zardoya (2020) Comparative transcriptomics of the venoms of continental and insular radiations of West African cones. Proc. Royal Soc. B 287: 20200794


R. Zardoya (2020) Recent advances in understanding mitochondrial genome diversity. F1000 Res. 9: 270



JR Pardos-Blas, I. Irisarri, S. Abalde, M.J. Tenorio, And R. Zardoya (2019) Conotoxin diversity in the venom gland transcriptome of the Magician’s cone, Pionoconus magus.  Marine drugs 17: 553

J.E. Uribe, I. Irisarri, J. Templado, And R. Zardoya (2019) New patellogastropod mitogenomes help counteracting long-branch attraction in the deep phylogeny of gastropod mollusks.  Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 133: 12-23

S. Abalde, M.J. Tenorio, J.E. Uribe, And R. Zardoya (2019) Conidae phylogenomics and evolution. Zool. Scri. 48: 194-214


J.E. Uribe, R. Zardoya, N. Puillandre (2018) Phylogenetic relationships of the conoidean snails (Gastropoda: Caenogastropoda) based on mitochondrial genomes. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 127: 898-906

S. Abalde, M.J. Tenorio, C.M.L. Afonso, And R. Zardoya (2018) Conotoxin Diversity in Chelyconus ermineus (Born, 1778) and the Convergent Origin of Piscivory in the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific Cones). Genome Biol. Evol. 10: 2643-2662



S. Abalde, M.J. Tenorio, C.M.L. Afonso, J.E. Uribe, A.M. Echeverry, And R. Zardoya (2017) Phylogenetic relationships of cone snails endemic to Cabo Verde based on mitochondrial genomes. BMC Evol. Biol. 17: 231

B. Milá, J.L. Van Tassell, J.A. Calderón, L. Rüber, And R. Zardoya (2017) Cryptic lineage divergence in marine environments: genetic differentiation at multiple spatial and temporal scales in the widespread intertidal goby Gobiosoma bosc. Ecol. Evol. 7: 5514-5523

S. Abalde, M.J. Tenorio, C.M.L. Afonso, And R. Zardoya (2017) Mitogenomic phylogeny of cone snails endemic to Senegal. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 112, 79-87

F. Gillet, M.T. Cabria Garrido, F. Blanc, C. Fournier-Chambrillon, M. Némoz, E. Sourp, C. Vial-Novella, R. Zardoya, S. Aulagnier, And J. R.  Michaux (2017) Evidence of fine-scale genetic structure for the endangered Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) in the French Pyrenees. J. Mammal. 98: 523-532

M.J. Tenorio, C.M.L. Afonso, E. Rolán, S. Pires, P. Vasconcelos, S. Abalde, And R. Zardoya (2017) DNA sequences disclose a new species of Africonus cone snail from São Vicente (Gastropoda: Conidae). Zool. Caboverdiana 6: 32-41

J.E. Uribe, And R. Zardoya (2017) Revisiting the phylogeny of Cephalopoda using complete mitochondrial genomes. J. Molluscan. Stud. 83: 133-144

J.E. Uribe, N. Puillandre, And R. Zardoya (2017) Beyond Conus: Phylogenetic relationships of Conidae based on complete mitochondrial genomes. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 107: 142-151

J.E. Uribe, S.T. Williams, J. Templado, B. Buge, And R. Zardoya (2017) Phylogenetic relationships of Mediterranean and North-East Atlantic Cantharidinae and notes on Stomatellinae (Vetigastropoda: Trochidae). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol.  107: 64-79

J.E. Uribe, S.T. Williams, J .Templado, S. Abalde, And R. Zardoya (2017) Denser mitogenomic sampling improves resolution of the phylogeny of the superfamily Trochoidea (Gastropoda: Vetigastropoda).  J. Molluscan. Stud. 83: 111-118



J.E. Uribe, D. Colgan, L.R. Castro, Y. Kano, And R. Zardoya (2016) Phylogenetic relationships among superfamilies of Neritimorpha (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 104: 21-31

J.E. Uribe, Y. Kano, J. Templado And R. Zardoya (2015) Mitogenomics of Vetigastropoda: insights into the evolution of pallial symmetry. Zool. Script.  45: 145-159

R. Zardoya, I. Irisarri, And F. Abascal (2016) Aquaporin Discovery in the Genomic Era.  In: Aquaporins in Health and Disease: New Molecular Targets for Drug Discovery. G. Soveral , S. Nielsen , And A. Casini Eds.  CRC Press, Boca Raton.  pp 19-32.



D. Osca, J. Templado And R. Zardoya (2015) Caenogastropod mitogenomics. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 93: 118-128

M.T. Cabria, E.G. Gonzalez, B.J. Gomez-Moliner, J.R. Michaux, D. Skumatov, A. Kranz, P. Fournier, S. Palazon And R. Zardoya (2015) Patterns of genetic variation in the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola L., 1761). BMC evolutionary biology 15: 1


E Kornobis, L Cabellos, F Aguilar, C Frías-López, J Rozas, J Marco And R. Zardoya (2015) TRUFA: a user-friendly web server for de novo RNA-seq analysis using cluster computing. Evol. Bioinfor. 11: 97

I. Irisarri, D.J. Eernisse And R Zardoya (2014) Molecular phylogeny of Acanthochitonina (Mollusca: Polyplacophora: Chitonida): three new mitochondrial genomes, rearranged gene orders and systematics. J. Nat. Hist. 48: 2825-2853


E.G. Gonzalez, I. Cerón-Souza, J.A. Mateo And R. Zardoya (2015) Island survivors: population genetic structure and demography of the critically endangered giant lizard of La Gomera, Gallotia bravoana. BMC genetics 15: 121


D. Osca, I. Irisarri, C. Todt, C. Grande And R. Zardoya (2015) The complete mitochondrial genome of Scutopus ventrolineatus (Mollusca: Chaetodermomorpha) supports the Aculifera hypothesis. BMC Evol. Biol. 14: 197


F. Abascal, I. Irisarri And R. Zardoya (2014) Diversity and evolution of membrane intrinsic proteins Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-General Subjects 1840: 1468-1481
D. San Mauro, D.J. Gower, H. Muller, S.P. Loader, R. Zardoya, R.A. Nussbaum, And M. Wilkinson (2014) Life-history evolution and mitogenomic phylogeny of caecilian amphibians Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 73: 177-189
D. Osca, J. Templado, And R. Zardoya (2014) The mitochondrial genome of Ifremeria nautilei and the phylogenetic position of the enigmatic deep-sea Abyssochrysoidea (Mollusca: Gastropoda) Gene 547: 257-266

A. Agorreta, D. San Mauro, U. Schliewen, J.L. Van Tassell, M. Kovacic, R. Zardoya And L. Ruber (2013) Molecular phylogenetics of Gobioidei and phylogenetic placement of European gobies Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 69: 619-633
O. Rican, L. Pialek, R.Zardoya, I. Doadrio, And J. Zrzavy (2013) Biogeography of the Mesoamerican Cichlidae (Teleostei: Heroini): colonization through the GAARlandia land bridge and early diversification J. Biogeo. 40: 579-593
E.G. Gonzalez, And R. Zardoya (2013) Microsatellite DNA Capture from Enriched Libraries Microsatellite. Humana Press
F. Abascal And R. Zardoya (2013) Evolutionary analyses of gap junction protein families Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Biomembranes 1828: 4-14
D. San Mauro, D.J. Gower, J.A. Cotton, R. Zardoya, M. Wilkinson, And T. Massingham (2012) Experimental design in phylogenetics: testing predictions from expected information Syst. Biol. 61: 661-674
P.S. Fitze, V. Gonzalez-Jimena, L.M. San-Jose, D. San Mauro, And R. Zardoya (2012) A new species of sand racer, Psammodromus (Squamata: Lacertidae), from the Western Iberian Peninsula Zootaxa 3205: 41-52
I. Irisarri, D. San Mauro, F. Abascal, A. Ohler, M. Vences, And R. Zardoya (2012) The origin of modern frogs (Neobatrachia) was accompanied by acceleration in mitochondrial and nuclear substitution rates BMC Genomics 13: 626
F. Abascal, D. Posada And R. Zardoya (2012) The evolution of the mitochondrial genetic code in arthropods revisited Mitochondrial DNA 23: 84-91
F. Abascal And R. Zardoya (2012) LRRC8 proteins share a common ancestor with pannexins, and may form hexameric channels involved in cell‐cell communication BioEssays 34: 551-560
M.T. Cabria, J.R. Michaux, B.J. Gómez-Moliner, D. Skumatov, T. Maran, P. Fournier, J.L. De Luzuriaga, And R. Zardoya (2011) Bayesian analysis of hybridization and introgression between the endangered european mink (Mustela lutreola) and the polecat (Mustela putorius) Mol. Ecol. 20: 176-190
I. Irisarri, M. Vences, D. San Mauro, F. Glaw, And R. Zardoya (2011) Reversal to air-driven sound production revealed by a molecular phylogeny of tongueless frogs, family Pipidae BMC Evol. Biol. 11: 114
P.S. Fitze, V. Gonzalez-Jimena, L.M. San-Jose, D. San Mauro, P. Aragon, T. Suarez, And R. Zardoya (2011) Integrative analyses of speciation and divergence in Psammodromus hispanicus (Squamata: Lacertidae) BMC Evol. Biol. 11: 347
R.L. Cunha, J.R. Verdú, J.M. Lobo, And R. Zardoya (2011) Ancient origin of endemic Iberian earth-boring dung beetles (Geotrupidae) Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 59: 578-586
T. Yahara, M. Donoghue, R. Zardoya, D.P. Faith And J. Cracraft (2010) Genetic diversity assessments in the century of genome science Curr. Op. Environ. Sustain. 2: 43-49
I. Irisarri, D. San Mauro, D.M. Green And R. Zardoya (2010) The complete mitochondrial genome of the relict frog Leiopelma archeyi: Insights into the root of the frog Tree of Life Mitochondrial DNA 21: 173-182
F. Abascal, R. Zardoya, M.J. Telford (2010) TranslatorX: multiple alignment of nucleotide sequences guided by amino acid translations Nucleic Acids Res. 38 Suppl: W7-W13
A.P. Hendry, L.G. Lohmann, E. Conti, J. Cracraft, K.A. Crandall, D.P. Faith, C. Häuser, C.A. Joly, K. Kogure, A. Larigauderie, S. Magallón, C. Moritz, S. Tillier, R. Zardoya, A.H. Prieur-Richard, B.A. Walther, T. Yahara And M.J. Donoghue. (2010) Evolutionary biology in biodiversity science, conservation, and policy: a call to action. Evolution 64:1517-1528
E. Rial And R. Zardoya (2009) Oxidative stress, thermogenesis and evolution of uncoupling proteins J. Biol. 8:58
E.G. Gonzalez, M. Genovart, D. Oro, R. Zardoya And J. Juste (2009) Polymorphic microsatellite markers for the critically endangered Balearic shearwater, Puffinus mauretanicus Mol. Ecol. Res. 9: 1044-1046
D. San Mauro, D.J. Gower, T. Massingham, M. Wilkinson, R. Zardoya, And J. A. Cotton (2009) Experimental Design in Caecilian Systematics: Phylogenetic Information of Mitochondrial Genomes and Nuclear rag1 Syst. Biol. 58: 425-438
R. Cunha, C. Grande And R. Zardoya (2009) Neogastropod phylogenetic relationships based on entire mitochondrial genomes BMC Evol. Biol. 9:210
E. M. Albert. D. San Mauro, L. Ruber, M. García-París And R. Zardoya (2009) Effect of taxon sampling on recovering the phylogeny of squamate reptiles based on complete mitochondrial genome and nuclear gene sequence data Gene 441: 12-21
O. Richan, R. Zardoya And I. Doadrio (2008) Phylogenetic relationships of Middle American cichlids (Cichlidae, Heroini) based on combined evidence from nuclear genes, mtDNA, and morphology Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 49:951-957
E. G. González. P. Beerli And R. Zardoya (2008) Genetic structuring and migration patterns of Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) BMC Evol. Biol. 8:252
C. Grande, J. Templado And R. Zardoya (2008) Evolution of gastropod mitochondrial genome arrangements BMC Evol. Biol. 8:61
C. Hernández-Sánchez, A. Mansilla, F. De Pablo And R. Zardoya (2008) Evolution of the insulin receptor family and of receptor isoform expression in vertebrates Mol. Biol. Evol. 25: 1043-1053
R. L. Cunha, M. J. Tenorio, C. Afonso, R. Castilho And R. Zardoya (2008) Replaying the tape: replicated evolutionary patterns in Cape Verde Conus Mol. Ecol. 17: 885-901
M.T. Cabria, E. G. González, B. J. Gómez-Moliner And R. Zardoya (2007) Microsatellite markers for the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) and closely related mustelids Mol. Ecol. Notes. 7: 1185-1188
E. G. González And R. Zardoya (2007) Relative role of life-history traits and historical factors in shaping genetic population structure of sardines (Sardina pilchardus) BMC Evol. Biol. 7: 197- 209
C. Papetti, P. Lio, L. Rüber, P. Martínez, T. Patarnello And R. Zardoya (2007) Antarctic fish mitochondrial genomes lack ND6 gene J. Mol. Evol. 65: 519-528
E. Albert, R. Zardoya And M. García París (2007) Phylogeographic and speciation patterns in subterranean worm lizards of the genus Blanus (Amphisbaenia: Blanidae) Mol. Ecol. 16: 1519-1531
E. G. González And R. Zardoya (2007) Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellites for the sardine, Sardina pilchardus (Clupeiformes: Clupeidae) Mol. Ecol. Notes 7: 519-521
F. Abascal, D. Posada And R. Zardoya (2007) MtArt: a new model of amino acid replacement for Arthropoda Mol. Biol. Evol. 24: 1-5
G. A. Concheiro, O. Rican, G. Orti, E. Bermingham, I. Doadrio And R. Zardoya (2007) Phylogeny and biogeography of 91 species of heroine cichlids (Teleostei: Cichlidae) based on sequences of the cytochrome b gene Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 43: 91-110
A. Jondeung, P. Sangthong And R. Zardoya (2007) The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Mekong giant catfish (Pangasianodon gigas), and the phylogenetic relationships among Siluriformes Gene. 387: 49-57
A. Manteca, A. I. Pelaez, R. Zardoya And J. Sánchez (2006) Actinobacteria cyclophilins: phylogenetic relationships and description of new class- and order-specific paralogs J. Mol. Evol. 63:719-732
J. Jiménez-Jiménez, R. Zardoya, A. Ledesma, M. García De Lacoba, P. Zaragoza, M. M. González-Barroso And E. Rial (2006) Evolutionary Distinct Residues in the Uncoupling Protein UCP1 are Essential for its Characteristic Basal Proton Conductance J. Mol. Biol. 359: 1010-1022
F. Abascal, R. Zardoya And D. Posada (2006) GenDecoder: genetic code prediction for metazoan mitochondria Nucleic Acids Res. 34: W389-W393
F. Abascal, D. Posada, R. Knight And R. Zardoya (2006) Parallel evolution of the mitochondrial genetic code in insects PLoS Biology. 4: 711-718
M.T. Cabría, J. Rubines, B. Gómez-Moliner And R. Zardoya (2006) On the phylogenetic position of a rare Iberian endemic mammal, the Pyrenean desman (Galemys pyrenaicus) Gene. 375: 1-13
L. Rüber, R. Britz And R. Zardoya (2006) Molecular phylogenetics and evolutionary diversification of labyrinth fishes (Perciformes; Anabantoidei) Syst. Biol. 55: 374-397
D. San Mauro, D.J. Gower, R. Zardoya And M. Wilkinson (2006) A hotspot of gene rearrangement by tandem duplication and random loss in the vertebrate mitochondrial genome Mol. Biol. Evol. 23: 227- 234
T. Atarhouch, L. Rüber, E. G. González, E. Albert, M. Rami, A. Dakkak, And R. Zardoya (2006) Signature of an early genetic bottleneck in a population of Moroccan sardines (Sardina pilchardus) Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 39: 373-383
C. Gissi, D. San Mauro, G. Pesole And R. Zardoya (2006) Mitochondrial phylogeny of Anura (Amphibia): a case study of congruent phylogenetic reconstruction using amino acid and nucleotide characters Gene 366: 228-237
P. Martínez, E. G. González, R. Castilho And R. Zardoya (2006) Genetic diversity and historical demography of Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 39: 404-416

R. Zardoya (2005) Phylogeny and evolution of the Major Intrinsic Protein family Biol. Cell. 97: 397-414
R. L. Cunha, R. Castilho, L. Rüber, And R. Zardoya (2005) Patterns of cladogenesis in the venomous marine gastropod genus Conus from the Cape Verde Islands Syst. Biol.. 54: 634-650
F. Abascal, R. Zardoya And D. Posada (2005) ProtTest: Selection of best-fit models of protein evolution Bioinformatics. 21: 2104-2105
L. Rüber And R. Zardoya (2005) Rapid cladogenesis in marine fishes revisited Evolution. 59: 1119-1127
E. G. González, A. M. Castilla And R. Zardoya (2005) Novel polymorphic microsatellites for the red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) and cross-species amplification in Alectoris graeca Mol. Ecol. Primer Notes. 5: 449-451
D. San Mauro, M. Vences, M. Alcobendas, R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (2005) Initial Diversification of Living Amphibians Predated the Breakup of Pangaea. Am. Nat. 165: 590-599
D. San Mauro, D. J. Gower, O. V. Oommen, M. Wilkinson And R. Zardoya (2004) Phylogeny of caecilian amphibians (Gymnophiona) based on complete mitochondrial genomes and nuclear RAG1. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 33: 413-427
D. San Mauro, M. García-París And R. Zardoya (2004) Phylogenetic relationships of discoglossid frogs (Amphibia: Anura: Discoglossidae) based on complete mitochondrial genomes and nuclear genes. Gene 343: 357-366
F.J. Cabrero-Sañudo and R. Zardoya (2004) Phylogenetic relationships of Iberian Aphodiini (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) based on morphological and molecular data. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 31: 1084-1100
L. Rüber, R. Britz, S. O. Kullander And R. Zardoya (2004) Evolutionary and biogeographical patterns of the badidae (teleostei: Perciformes) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequence data. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 32: 1010-1022
R. Zardoya, R. Castilho, C. Grande, L. Favre-Krey, S. Caetano, S. Marcato, G. Krey And T. Patarnello (2004) Differential population structuring of two closely related fish species, the mackerel (Scomber scombrus) and the chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus), in the Mediterranean. Mol. Ecol. 13: 1785-1798
C. Grande, J. Templado, J.L. Cervera And R. Zardoya (2004) Phylogenetic relationships among Opisthobranchia (Mollusca: Gastropoda) based on mitochondrial cox1 and rrnL genes. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 33: 378-388
L. Rüber, R. Britz, H.H. Tan, P.K.L. Ng And R. Zardoya (2004) Evolution of mouthbrooding and life-history correlates in the fighting fish genus Betta. Evolution 58: 798-813
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (2004) Molecular evidence on the origin of and the phylogenetic relationships among the major groups of vertebrates. Ch. 18 In: From molecules to ecosystems. Ed. A. Moya. Blackwell. pp 209-217. 


C. Grande, J. Templado, J.L. Cervera And R. Zardoya (2004) Molecular phylogeny of Euthyneura (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Mol. Biol. Evol. 21: 303-313
L. Rüber, J. L. Van Tassel And R. Zardoya (2003) Rapid speciation and ecological divergence in the American seven-spinned gobies (Gobiidae, Gobiosomatini) inferred from a molecular phylogeny. Evolution 57: 1584-1598
A. Meyer And R. Zardoya (2003) Recent Advances in the (Molecular) Phylogeny of Vertebrates. Ann. Rev. Ecol. Syst. 34:311-338
R. Zardoya, E. Malaga, M. Veith And A. Meyer (2003) Complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of a salamander, Mertensiella luschani. Gene 317: 17-27
R. Zardoya, X. Ding, Y. Kitagawa And M. J. Chrispeels (2002) Origin of plant glycerol transporters by horizontal gene transfer and functional shift. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 99: 14893-14896
S. Villalba, J.M. Lobo, F. Martín-Piera And R. Zardoya (2002) Phylogenetic relationships of Iberian dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): insights on the evolution of nesting behaviour. J. Mol. Evol. 55: 116-126
C. Grande, J. Templado, J.L. Cervera And R. Zardoya (2002) The complete mitochondrial genome of the nudibranch Roboastra europaea (Mollusca: Gastropoda) supports the monophyly of opisthobranchs. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19: 1672-1685
R. Zardoya And S. Villalba (2001) A phylogenetic framework for the aquaporin family in Eukaryotes. J. Mol. Evol. 52: 391-404
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (2001) The evolutionary position of turtles revised. Naturwissenschaften 88: 193-200
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (2001) On the origin of and phylogenetic relationships among living Amphibians. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98: 7380-7383
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (2000) Mitochondrial evidence on the phylogenetic position of caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). Genetics 155: 765-775

R. Zardoya And I. Doadrio (1999) Molecular Evidence on the Evolutionary and Biogeographical Patterns of European Cyprinids. J. Mol. Evol. 49: 227-237
E. A. Braga, R. Zardoya , A. Meyer And J. Yen (1999) Mitochondrial and nuclear rRNA based copepod phylogeny with emphasis on the Euchaetidae (Calanoida). Marine Biology . 133: 79-90
R. Zardoya, Economidis, P.S. And I. Doadrio (1999) Phylogenetic relationships of Greek Cyprinidae: Molecular evidence for at least two independent origins of the Greek cyprinid fauna. Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 13: 122-131
R. Zardoya And I. Doadrio (1999) Molecular evidence on the evolutionary and biogeographical patterns of European cyprinids. J. Mol. Evol. 49: 227-237
M. Veith, S. Steinfartz, R. Zardoya, A. Seitz, And A. Meyer (1998) A molecular phylogeny of "true" salamanders (family Salamandridae) and the evolution of terrestriality of reproductive modes. J. Zool. Syst. Evol. Res. 36: 7-16
R. Zardoya, Y. Cao, M. Hasegawa, And A. Meyer (1998) Searching for the Closest Living Relative(s) of Tetrapods through evolutionary analyses of mitochondrial and nuclear data. Mol. Biol. Evol. 15: 506-517
I. Horovitz, R. Zardoya, And A. Meyer (1998) Platyrrhine systematics: a simultaneous analysis of molecular and morphological data. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 106: 261-281
T. Streelman, R. Zardoya, A. Meyer, And S. Karl (1998) Multilocus phylogeny of Cichlid fishes (Pisces: Perciformes): Evolutionary comparison of microsatellite and single-copy nuclear loci. Mol. Biol. Evol. 15: 798-808
R. Zardoya And I. Doadrio (1998) Phylogenetic relationships of Iberian cyprinids: Systematic and biogeographical implications. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 265: 1365-1372
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1998) Cloning and characterization of a microsatellite in the mitochondrial control region of the African side-necked turtle, Pelomedusa subrufa. Gene 216: 149-153
E. Abouheif, R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1998) Limitations of Metazoan 18S rRNA Sequence data: Implications for reconstructing a phylogeny of the Animal kingdom and inferring the reality of the Cambrian explosion. J. Mol. Evol. 47: 394-405
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1998) Complete mitochondrial genome suggests diapsid affinities of turtles. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 95: 14226-14231
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1997) The complete DNA sequence of the mitochondrial genome of a living fossil, the coelacanth (Latimeria chalumnae). Genetics, 146: 995-1010
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1997) Molecular phylogenetic information on the identity of the Closest Living Relative(s) of Land Vertebrates. Naturwissenschaften, 84: 389-397
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1996) The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the lungfish (Protopterus dolloi), supports its phylogenetic position as a close relative of land vertebrates. Genetics 142: 1249-1263
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1996) Evolutionary relationships of the coelacanth, lungfishes, and tetrapods based on the 28S ribosomal RNA gene. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 5449-5454
P.Suárez, R. Zardoya, M.J. Martín, C. Prieto, J. Dopazo, A. Solana And J.M. Castro (1996) Phylogenetic relationships of European strains of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSv) inferred from DNA sequences of putative ORF-5 and ORF-7 genes. Virus Res. 42: 159-165
R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1996) Phylogenetic performance of mitochondrial protein coding genes in resolving relationships among vertebrates. Mol. Biol. Evol. 13: 933-942
K. Noack, R. Zardoya And A. Meyer (1996) The complete mitochondrial DNA sequence of the Bichir (Polypterus ornatipinnis), a basal ray-finned fish: ancient establishment of the consensus vertebrate gene order. Genetics 144: 1165-1180
R. Zardoya, E. Abouheif And A. Meyer (1996) Evolutionary analyses of hedgehog and Hoxd-10 genes in fish species closely related to the zebrafish. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93: 13036-13041
R. Zardoya, E. Abouheif And A. Meyer (1996) Evolution and orthology of hedgehog genes. Trends Genet. 12: 496-497
R. Zardoya, D.M. Vollmer, C. Craddock, J.T. Streelman, S. Karl And A. Meyer. (1996) Evolutionary conservation of microsatellite flanking regions and their utility in resolving the phylogeny of cichlid fishes (Pisces: Perciformes). Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 263:1611-1618
R. Zardoya, A. Pérez-Martos, J.M. Bautista and J. Montoya. (1995) Analysis of the transcription products of the rainbow trout (Oncorynchus mykiss) liver mitochondrial genome: detection of novel mitochondrial transcripts. Current Genetics 28: 67-70. Abstract
R. Zardoya, M. Villalta, M. López-Pérez, A. Garrido-Pertierra, J. Montoya and J.M. Bautista (1995) Nucleotide sequence of the sheep mitochondrial DNA D-loop and its flanking tRNA genes. Current Genetics 28: 94-96.
R. Zardoya, E. Costas, V. López-Rodas, A. Garrido-Pertierra and J.M. Bautista (1995) Revised dinoflagellate phylogeny inferred from molecular analysis of large subunit ribosomal RNA gene sequences. Journal of Molecular Evolution 41: 637-645. Abstract
E. Costas, R. Zardoya, J.M. Bautista, A. Garrido-Pertierra and V. López-Rodas (1995) Morphospecies versus genospecies in toxic marine dinoflagellates: an analysis of G. catenatum/ G. impudicum and A. minutum/ A. lusitanicum using antibodies, lectins and gene sequences. Journal of Phycology 31: 801-807. Abstract
R. Zardoya, A. Garrido-Pertierra and J.M. Bautista (1995) The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial DNA of the Rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Journal of Molecular Evolution 41: 942-951. Abstract
N. Da Silva, R. Zardoya, G. Santurde, A. Solana and J.M. Castro (1995) Rapid and sensitive detection of the bovine viral diarrhea virus genome in semen. Journal of Virological Methods 55: 209-218. Abstract
R. Zardoya, A. Diez, M.C. Serradilla, J.A. Madrid, J.M. Bautista And A. Garrido-Pertierra (1994) Lipogeneic activities in rat liver are subjected to circadian rhythms. J. Physiol, Biochem, 50: 239-244
P. Suárez, R. Zardoya, C. Prieto, A. Solana,E. Tabares, J.M. Bautista, And J.M. Castro (1994) Direct Detection on the Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) Virus by Reverse Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Arch. Virol. 135: 89-99.


R. Zardoya, A. Diez, P.J. Mason, L. Luzzatto, A. Garrido And J.M. Bautista (1994) High Resolution of Proteins by Double-Inverted Gradient Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (DG-PAGE). BioTechniques 16: 271-276



Best fit protein model selection


Nucleotide sequence alignment and cleaning based on amino acid information.


Transcriptome User-Friendly Analysis. Read cleaning, de novo assembly, and mapping. Contig annotation. Expression quantification

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